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양미나 Mi Na Yang

전북대학교의과대학원 의무석사 (2012) 


GC녹십자의료재단 진단검사의학부 전문의 (2022~) 

순천향대학교 천안병원 임상조교수 (2020~2021) 

성균관대학교 삼성창원병원 교수 (2019~2020)

가톨릭대학교 서울성모병원 임상강사 (2018~2019)

삼성서울병원 전공의 (2013~2017)

  • Mutation spectrum of NF1 gene in Korean unrelated patients with neurofibromatosis 1: Six novel pathogenic variants
    2024Journal of Genetic Medicine양미나
  • Development and validation of a novel warfarin dosing algorithms for Korean patients with VKORC1 1173C
    2020Ann Lab Med양미나
  • Serum procalcitonin as an independent diagnostic markers of bacteremia in febrile patients with hematologic malignancies
    2019PLOS One양미나
  • EDTA treatment for overcoming the prozone effect and for predicting C1q binding in HLA antibody testing
    2019Ann Lab Med양미나
  • Analysis of hematologic parameters of donors, patients, and granulocyte concentrates to predict successful granulocyte transfusion
    2019Blood research양미나
  • Transient loss of A1 phenotype in a patient with passenger lymphocyte syndrome after ABO minor incompatible liver transplantation: The first case report
    2018Transfusion and apheresis science양미나
  • Evaluation of hemoglobin trigger and appropriateness of perioperative red cell transfusion in surgical departments
    2018Korean J Blood Transfusion양미나
  • Principles of genetic counselling in the era of next generation sequencing
    2018Ann Lab Med양미나